Year end review

I had my year end performance review yesterday as my second anniversary of working here is upon us. Last year I didn’t get one, I just got an email saying I was doing great, and would be getting a raise. So, needless to say, I was a bit worried about what this review would entail. Especially since, due to my lack of ability to kiss ass, I have been on the outs with the boss lately. Honestly, I feel that I’ve been on the outs since I told her I was pregnant, but that’s another story.

The review went much better than I thought. My manager basically told me I’m amazing at everything I do, my only “weakness” is that I was misunderstood in an email I sent recently. This is also another story for another day.

And then my manager brought up cutting some losses. Saving some money for the company. And how did I feel about part time. My eyes more than likely lit up. Part time? Of course I wanted part time! With all the things I need to do to get ready for the baby, all the appointments and cleaning and exercises I envision myself partaking in, how could I say no? I am also the only person who doesn’t use the employee health insurance, by my choice. So it makes sense that I would go to part time, and not have anyone else lose their coverage.

I wish I wouldn’t have jumped the gun so quickly. I hate that. I’m a very impulsive person, and I don’t give myself time to think. Had I kept my cool would she have gone on to tell me that I had no choice in the matter? Was I being forced? If I could have clarified at least that….. because now I have learned that I cannot work more than 23.5 hours per week. Meaning… I no longer qualify for maternity leave.

Sometimes she is more clever & conniving then I give her credit for. I also can’t use the 401k benefit anymore, or vacation time. I was also told that if I miss any of my days for whatever reason, I cannot make up the hours on one of my off days. I suppose this makes sense.

I’m just kicking myself in the foot over and over again for not waiting to see what else she had to say, for agreeing too quickly. Of course I don’t want to work full time, but without maternity leave benefits, my employment now has a countdown attached to it. She may come in and offer me something minimal, holding my position open for a certain amount of time, but it is unlikely.
If my 2015 resolution was to be less impulsive, I’m off to a bad start.
